family with pram at tower bridge

Southwark Star: Burak

The BetterPoints Southwark challenge allows everyone who lives, works or studies in Southwark to earn BetterPoints for walking/wheeling, cycling and using public transport. Download the app via the buttons or QR code at the bottom of the page to join in and start earning rewards today!

Burak and his partner are PHD students living in Peckham with their ten-month old son. He has used BetterPoints to get fitter, spend some quality time with his young family and to make the change to being a car-free household.


“I first saw the app on a Southwark Council email. It’s really promising the way that you can earn points, and the points scheme and logic of the app is very motivating.I’m really thankful for this campaign and for the council funding it.

I used to have a small car, but I recently sold it. I used it for journeys to the University, butnow I’m using my bike and occasionally public transport. There’s some amazing parks around London which we go riding in, where the air is cleaner. My partner and I both have a child seat which we can take our son out with.Southwark is a really good place to live with a child, it’s really green, there’s lots of parks and places to spend time as a family.Having a car in London was really challenging. We’ve saved time by not having to search for parking spaces, and we’ve saved a lot of money too. Not only that, it’s good for the environment, andit’s helped us to be more physically active – I can definitely say I have bigger lungs now!

I normally spend my points on baby products for my son. For the points I get for this story, I can buy a couple of months of nappies which is really helpful!"


Well done to Burak, our latest Southwark Star and winner of 25,000 BetterPoints for sharing his story. Want to be like Burak and 1000s of others across Southwark earning rewards for their sustainable journeys? Scan the QR code below or tap the buttons at the bottom of the page.

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Mobile phone with betterpoints app.